A Man Well-Loved: James Gandolfini (1961-2013)

James Gandolfini

Signed headshot of James Gandolfini

I’m really not sure what to say about this, other than the obvious. James Gandolfini definitely left his mark on Hollywood and in the cultural consciousness. Hearing of his death, I’m reminded of his work, most notably as Tony Soprano in HBO’s The Sopranos. He had a way of portraying even the most despicable people as someone the audience would root for despite their better judgement. From playing the corrupt Col. Winter in Last Castle to renowned politician and generally good guy Leon Panetta in Zero Dark Thirty, he had a remarkable screen presence. His star shined brightly, even as director of the fan favorite True Romance. The world is a little bit brighter for having beheld his talent.

Even beyond all of this, the actor who just passed away from a heart attack at 51 was one of the kindest people ever to grace Hollywood with his presence. From what I’ve heard over the years in interviews and what we’re seeing on Twitter, the man couldn’t help but bring a smile to the faces of those around him. He was one of the few actors that I wished I could meet, given his charming and friendly demeanor in every interview.

My heart goes out to his wife, Deborah Lin and his son, Michael from a previous marriage. To any other family I have failed to mention and those who were lucky enough to count themselves as his friends, you have our condolences in this time of heartache.

James Gandolfini

James Gandolfini as CIA Director Leon Panetta in Zero Dark Thirty

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